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conducted on:
September 2001

by: Rocio Villalobos
official website
shout-out to PZO


PZO: I can imagine that your schedule would be pretty full, but what do you do when you're not busy with "The Jersey" and school?
Courtnee: When I'm not busy, I usually hang out with my friends a lot. I go to the beach a lot, I go shopping a lot. I spend a lot of money that I don't have. I see the word sale and I go crazy. I have like, 80 pairs of shoes. I have so many clothes. I listen to a lot of music. Music is really inspirational to me. And I work at the Olive Garden, that pretty much fills up my time.

PZO: On your website you mentioned that you like snowboarding. How long have you been into that?
Courtnee: Actually, I just went for the first time last season with the girl who plays Hilary on the show, named Brianne, and her boyfriend John. And he said that he would teach me how to snowboard next season. So I'm not really too good, but I picked up pretty quickly. It's so much fun, I love it.

PZO: What's one thing you can't leave the house without?
Courtnee: Lip gloss. I can never leave the house without lip gloss. Like I will freak out if I don't have lip gloss on me. I hate it when my lips are dry, it drives me crazy. Plus, I have a convertible, so...um, but the wind just, ugh, I have to have lip gloss. Seriously, in my purse I always have 10 lipsticks and lip glosses all the time.

PZO: You mentioned on your website that you were a "Navy Brat." Out of all the places you've lived in, which is your favorite?
Courtnee: I have to think...I want to say Japan 'cause I lived there for 3 years, but I was so young that I hardly remember it. But I do remember I would love the people. It was a really safe place. I was only 6, 7, or 8 when I lived there and I could walk around by myself and it was totally safe. It was a lot of fun; I remember the weather was really nice. And I got to do a little traveling when I was there. I went to a place called...I don't even remember what it's called, Hong Kong, Korea, I tore all over the place. And that's how I started singing when I was there off of Karaoke, 'cause that was the big thing in Japan. And then that's how basically my career started. So I would have to say Japan, even though I was really little, I really liked it.

PZO: If you could have any actress or singer as your big sister, who would you want it to be?
Courtnee: I would have to say Julia Roberts. I think that Julia Roberts is an amazing person. Or...yeah, Julia Roberts. She's always laughing, she's always having a good time, and that's the kind of person that I am too. I'm always, you know, I'm always having a good time no matter what it is. And I that people like to be around her just because she makes them feel good, 'cause she's always having fun. And I think it's sad how after her breakup with Benjamin Bratt people are bagging on her and saying she can't settle down. I think that people like Julia Roberts, because they're the center of so much attention, people just try to bring them down. But I think that she keeps a good face. I've never heard her say any negative things about anybody or anything, and I really admire that about her. It must be hard to keep such a positive outlook on life when everybody's trying to bring you down. I just think she's an amazing, talented, beautiful woman, and actress and that's what I hope to be.

PZO: What's been your favorite role?
Courtnee: I've really enjoyed everything that I've done. When I worked on Pacific Blue I got to be this outrageous character who was Gothic, and I got to dress really cool. And I got to play that she was a total bad seed, and I really had a lot of fun with that. But I think that's what makes or breaks a set of people. And I really enjoy every cast and crew that I've ever worked with. The Thirteenth Year that I did for Disney, that was probably, I guess you could say that was my favorite just because I loved the people. I had so much fun on the set. And Stepsister From Planet Weird, which I also did for the Disney channel, that filmed in Australia, which was beautiful. I loved doing that. I also worked on The Duke, that was my first major role and so it was very serious for me because it was the first thing I had really ever done, and I got to go to Canada. That was a great experience just because it opened my eyes to everything. But, "The Jersey" takes the cake, because I worked on that show for two and a half years and I really got to know all the people intimately and I made some lifelong friends from that. That taught me basically everything I know professionally. I walked on that set not really knowing anything, and I walked away knowing a lot. That set taught me a lot, just about life and I think that acting just makes you a better person. That set definitely changed me both professionally and personally. So I really loved working on that.

PZO: Would you like to break into the big screen movies or stay on TV?
Courtnee: Definitely I want to go into movies. I like hardcore roles, something that moves people emotionally. "The Jersey" was fun and I think a lot of people appreciate the show, which is good. But for me, personally, I really like to do drama. I love to cry because I find that sometimes in my personal life I keep things pinned up, and I release them in acting. My friend from Australia, who I actually met when I was filming Stepsister, I met him again in L.A. and I hung out with him for a couple of days and then he left again and I was really sad about it and I couldn't believe how much of an influence, of an impact, he had made on my life. And I went to my acting class the day after he left and my acting coach was like (he could totally tell that I was going through something), whatever you'e going through, I want you to use it in the scene. It was a really emotional scene that I was, well I wasn't really having trouble with getting it down, but I really hadn't nailed it yet and so I took all the emotion that I was keeping inside from Craig leaving and I put it into that scene, and it was the best thing that I've ever done. It was on tape too, so I have it to watch and to remember. Acting is just kind of a release of your emotions. You can take your personal life and apply it to your character and your acting, and it just helps you get out so much anger or frustration or even excitement. I really like that part of acting.

PZO: Of all the athletes that have guest starred on "The Jersey" which one was your favorite?
Courtnee: It's a toss up between Byron Defoe, 'cause he was so hot. He was just gorgeous and he was really nice. Kobi Jones and Clint Mathis also worked on the show. I got sick, all of a sudden I just felt horrible, and I felt like I was going to throw up and Clint Mathis was really sweet, and he was like, "Are you okay?" Clint just took care of me, so that was really sweet of him. Then Kobi Jones was on the same episode, it was just really cool, I had a lot of fun with him. Those are probably my two favorite episodes athlete-wise.

PZO: In a couple of days you're going to be singing at the Angels game in Anaheim. Are you nervous?
Courtnee: I am nervous! My biggest thing is sometimes I'm depressed or I feel like I can't do it. And I think that a negative mind set kind of, if you think negatively about something that's just the way it's gonna go down. If I think I can't do it and I put negative thoughts in my head, it's just gonna set me up for failure. So I kind of have to remember to think positively. I know that I can sing it; I have confidence in the fact that I can sing it, I've done it a million times. But I've never sung in front of that big of an audience before, so I'm a little scared but I have faith that I can do it. And I'll have my mom and my step dad in the audience and I'll have my voice coach so I have my fans right there. I just have to pretend that I'm singing just for them.

PZO: What's your most embarrassing moment?
Courtnee: Oh, there are so many. I am such a goofball. I trip and fall and I mess up all the time. But I think the thing about me is that it's so hard to think of one because I don't really think, "Oh, that was embarrassing!" I'm not really embarrassed by anything; I just kind of laugh it off. I think you have to, otherwise every time you think about it or run into the person you did something stupid in front of you just die of embarrassment and it just won't be good. But if I had to pick one thing it would be freshman year, I was walking across the campus at my high school. I didn't know anybody, I was brand new. It was probably a month, or less than a month into school and my backpack was really heavy, oh I remember it was two days after school and I still didn't have a locker and my backpack was really heavy so I was carrying all my books and I was running late. And we have these little hills and at the bottom of the hills we have these stone benches. I was running and I was gonna run into the bench, so I kind of hopped over the corner and the weight of my backpack kind of threw me forth and I rolled down the hill on the grass. And there I was, this freshman, this dork just tumbling down the hill in front of everybody. I landed on my knees and my hair was all covering my eyes, and just looking out of my hair I could see all these people just staring at me and I can't even imagine it, they were probably thinking, "Look at that idiot, tumbling down the hill." That was probably my most embarrassing moment, 'cause I had to get up in front of all those kids, and you know how mean kids can be, and I had to get up and walk through all those people just laughing at me.
PZO: Oh, that sucks.
Courtnee: Yeah, it was pretty sad <laughs>.

PZO: What was the last concert you went to?
Courtnee: Actually, I have never been to a concert. Well, oh, I did go to Red Hot n Boom, which was kind of a collaboration. It had 98 Degrees there, and a bunch of other people for the Fourth of July down in Florida so that was probably my first and only. And I'm supposed to go to a Blink 182 concert with my friend in September, so we'll see how that turns out. Red Hot n Boom was really awesome; I just love concerts 'cause music brings people together. You can meet really cool people. There's some really weird people, but there's some really cool people, so...And then there were fireworks too so I had a lot of fun.

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